The Essential Guide to Boxing Diet

We all need a healthy, balanced diet to provide with nutrients necessary to keep it functioning properly. But when you’re engaged in a sport like boxing, your diet needs special attention.

For a boxer, eating properly is so much more than simply consuming the essential nutrients. For a boxer’s diet to be proper and balanced, it must comply with six key diet principles;

  • Meal timing,
  • Eating frequency,
  • Balance of nutrients,
  • Moderation of portions,
  • Variety in meals
  • Total calorie intake.

A boxer needs more nutrition than in an average person’s diet to train their body effectively while boosting their performance and recovery.

Dieting Considerations

Being a boxer, it is important to not just eat more but eat right, eat smart to maintain lean muscles, reduce fat and of course, fight harder and look like a champion. And the secret to eating right has to do with the following considerations:

You can’t miss out on any of the following

  • Protein, carbs and fats (healthy) — They’re all equally essential for your training and physical health.

Know the right timing.

  • As a boxer, you have to eat more without over-eating. You can’t afford to starve your body when it is in need of energy or over-eat when you have enough of energy to fuel your workouts. And that’s it is important to know when to eat. Timing your meals appropriately allows you to stay full on adequate food.

Keep your needs in mind.

In addition to timely and balanced eating, you need to make sure your diet fits your needs. Every boxer has a different body, lifestyle and dieting goals. What looks like a weight gain diet for one might lead to weight loss in another. So, consult with you boxing trainer and have a custom diet prepared to meet your eating needs and fitness goals.

To sum up

A boxer’s diet must provide nutrients that promote physical performance and rapid muscle development while helping you to maintain a lean and strong body.

If you have just embarked on boxing training in Sydney, we recommend you consult with your boxing trainer or a professional dietician to custom create a diet plan for your that not only includes nutrient-rich foods but works best for your lifestyles and boxing needs.

Throw a few punches and spar a little at your Boxing Gym

Had a gruelling day? Take it out on the punch pad in your Boxing training class, where you can learn boxing drills and combinations. Boxing training classes are designed to get you sweating and de-stress while building unimaginable strength. Boxing training sessions concentrate on boosting your fitness levels with high energy drills and improving your technique with pad work.

If you need motivation to get you to the class, just envision the face of your unreasonable colleague or irritating house mate on the punch pads. Your all pent-up frustration will disappear quickly once you join Boxing training sessions, where you will punch, kick, knee and elbow the freestanding boxing bags. Non-sparring classes give wannabe boxers the opportunity to learn the ropes, without hurting themselves or anyone.

Hour long boxing sessions help you build strength and improve your fitness levels through shadow boxing, boxing drills, core strengthening exercises, kickboxing, and yes plenty of skipping. Best part of the boxing training classes is that you will work in pairs for the pad work.

Boxing work out is more efficient destroyer of fat than traditional steady state workout such as jogging. If you are firm enough to endure the initial stages of high intensity boxing classes, you will find that your body has acquired new limits, being forced past it old limits. In your boxing training class, you will experience Sparring session- fighting another human being on a boxing circuit. It is the most intense physical thing you will ever experience, even if you are wearing headgear, gloves and pads.

Boxing is exhausting in a way that weights and tread mills could never be. There is far more to boxing than self-defence, the average self-important runners who believe that they are so fit will wheeze and gasp through the first few rounds. Boxing as a sport demands sustained level of ruthless physical activity from its participants that no other sport demands.

The magic of boxing workout is that it has got sustained intensity. Bursts of anaerobic activities alternate with shorter test periods. If you are out to find the most thoroughly conditioned human in the sporting world, then a well-trained boxer can beat anybody.

For a outstanding experience of boxing training in Sydney, get in touch today

Essential Nutrition Tips to Boost Your Boxing Training

If you are not new to boxing training, you know no matter how hard and often you train, you’re not going to see desired results without a proper diet. In case you’re a beginner, realise the fact you just read.

For a boxer to be productive in their training, it is necessary to fuel their body with good nutrition. You must adhere to a healthy balanced diet that supports the physical and mental needs of the sport.

That said, stated below are some diet and nutrition guidelines that will help you boost your strength and energy levels and reap the most out of your boxing training in Sydney.

Drink A LOT of water

Drink as much water as you possibly can. It will help boost your metabolism while detoxifying your body.

But drinking more doesn’t mean filling your stomach with gallons of water every time you drink. Consuming too much water in a short period of time can drop salt or sodium levels in your blood, causing a fatal condition called Hyponatremia or water intoxication.


  • Increase your water intake throughout the day.
  • Sip a little all the time to keep your body hydrated.

Steer clear of sugar

This is sure going to be hard on some people. But the truth is anything that contains overwhelming amounts of sugar can ruin your diet as well as the efforts you put into your training.

Muffins, brownie, doughnuts, candies, cakes and anything that is high in sugar and bereft of must be avoided nutrients regardless of how tempting they are.


  • Avoid refined or processed foods like white bread, popcorn, cookies, crackers, white past and more.
  • Pick natural foods and things that are coming straight from the ground in their natural state.

Final Word

Besides these nutrition guidelines, it is okay to enjoy a cheat meal once in a while. However, make sure to plan ahead to cover the calorie shortage and nutrition requirements you are going to incur when enjoying a chat meal.

So, that’s it. Keep these tips in mind and make changes in your diet to improve your training results.

Boxing Gym Sydney – Why Everyone Should Try Boxing At Least Once

Most of the people living in Sydney will never know the value of the boxing gym, a brilliant resource they will never get to know. Sydneysiders will grow up, learn, work, exercise, travel and return never fully understanding what they have missed out on.

If you are one of those people reading this article and have never tried boxing training, take a chance and do yourself a favour by trying it for at least 12 months. The benefits of the training are amazing and you should take the following points under consideration: Continue reading →

Boxing Gym Sydney – It Is All About the Trainers

Ask any CEO what the most influential factor in the success of any business is and they will always tell you it is their key people. It is the people that make a business successful, having the best people that gives your business the advantage over your competition and ultimately losing (or not having) good people is a major reason why some businesses fail.

If you are looking for the best boxing training in Sydney, you are looking for the best trainers. The trainers at the Corporate Fitness Centre are the best boxing trainers in Sydney. Continue reading →

Boxing Gyms – What to Expect When You Start Training

Walking into any gym for the first time can be a daunting experience. Walking into a boxing gym can be an intimidating if not terrifying experience. For experienced members using a gym, it can be easy to forget those first experiences, but these fears are very real for first-timers, and sadly, prevent a lot of would be participants from getting valuable self-defence experience and top fitness training.

It is hard enough to think about being the new person in class. For the inexperienced, there are also sometimes false perceptions that boxing gyms are places of violence. In reality, there are several different types of boxing gyms. Continue reading →

Boxing Training – there may be more there for you than you think

Unless you are familiar with the training techniques used in boxing and martial arts you may avoid this as a fitness option due to the sometimes negative connotations of the sports.  “I want to get fit but I don’t want to get hurt”.  “I’m a girl and never involved in competitive sports but I want to get fit without hurting myself”.  And the stories go on.

Let’s step back.  Some of the fittest athletes in the world engage in boxing or martial arts training.  Why?  Because the training techniques give you an all-in-one fitness programme utilising every muscle, sinew and bone in your body and perhaps most of all using your brain.  Have you ever seen a fat boxer or an unfit martial artist?  They don’t exist.  They could not engage in their passion without having physical and mental fitness. You don’t necessarily have to step into the ring to get the benefits of going to the boxing classes in Sydney.

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